Friday, July 31, 2009
yey! the templates are alright again! :DDDD! but fcuk.. there are still missing applications!! nehmind nehmind.. heh. SO. Anyway, ERIS show tomorrowwwwww! New song "Premonition" is ready and will be played at tmr's show. But too bad im thinking that there wont be much people around tmr. It's the tix price i guess. And not much bands. Oh well, here's the poster. Do come.. ![]() Ahh.. HunnyBunny had a gig at Crawlspace last weekend. Its very unfair that she gets to play at a venue which i've never step into before. I dont know why its unfair. I must be jealous.. hmm... HAHA! As usual, Bunny sings awesome-o, but somehow.. somehow her screams are always better to me. NO, Not better then her singing, but better then most screaming vocalists? Im serious. Im not saying this just because she's my gf or anything, really, you guys gotta check it out yourself la. B! Hurry record your first ORI!! ![]() ni dier. mcm paham. nk step bf dier. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. HA. Anyway, Bunny and I are going 14months soon. Damn, time flies. Im not surprised that sooner or later wedding bells will ring. Even if it's isnt mine, it could be our friend's.. woo scary aint it. Bunny made me this for our 13monthsary gift.. ![]() tadaa! yummy muffins with sugar icing under lotsa M&M's surrounded by rasoool's favourite caramel popcorns! gaaaaah, im drooling already. :))'''' heh heh. I dont know bout the rest of you. But i sure think that we all do know people fight/quarrel/argue over many different matters. Including the best, most popular, oldest, couples everywhere. Well, i would be lying if i said me and bunny never fight. We do, but hunny, i just want to let you know that no matter what we do, what we fight about, i wont succumb myself to have you, me, or us to be lead astray k. I hate the 5 letter "B" word. Hate it. Hate it. Hate it. I dont ever want to use it. Please dont make me use it. ....As im writing this, Irna is irritating the hell out of me by calling my home multiple times and the moment i picked up the call, she'll put it down right away. AAARGGH. ASS YOU Hunneh! You're in my way of writing a post here!!! HAHAHAHA! I swear she's the most annoying, most beautiful, most dumb, most wise, most sporty, most kooky, most caring, most of everything adorable that makes up the most perfect girlfriend in my book ever. Heh, and i love her many much. Many many much. This one ah, my one. my one. my want? ah, my want. eh eh, my need also. :B ![]()
Monday, July 20, 2009
Hello. Ive been in absence from blogger since idontknowhowlong now. And now that im back, im wondering what's wrong with blogger's new posts writing pad template. Seriously. Mine's fucked up pretty bad. Im wondering how's yours? Anyway, as usual lots of things have been happening. My normal routine just simply ruled me out from hogging the com these days.. or should i say months. But i dont seem to mind at all. Whatever activities that i have in replacement is far better then sitting infront of a monitor that wont speak to me, not in a million years (i hope!), and use my time on it even if i totally have nowhere else to surf on. Im sure this somewhat happens to you too right people. Being online, unsure where to go, just keep clicking, linking you guys from one site to the next without having any idea what in the net youre looking for.. and then low and behold, its already 5am. Yep, ive been there. And for me now, nothing beats maximising your full day with what you like to do most, speding time with loved ones, rest, or enjoying your final bits of youth days - the way i wanted it to be. Well of cause, no one's stopping you if you find your cpu's your new best friend. So yeah, what can i say, same ol same ol. Cept' Irna's prolly getting hotter now that her hair has grown to her chest. HAHA! and ERIS is prolly getting sexier now that Mus is in the line up. HOHO! Oh yeah, i dont know whats making me write this down but i feel like i want to so bad. im not gonna say something cliche about the future and all, but really, i really hope to have HunnyBunny safe with me for as long as we can. I mean, i love that lady so much now im telling you. It can be chaotic, but i tell myself time and time again about the fun and love we shared for the past year and coming 3months - its endless. Sure the whole world knows lovebirds quarrel once in a while, but us, we came sour but ended up laughing and cherishing each other's presence in a snap. I love her. Dammit. Hahaha. However, i do know amidst all these bed of roses lies trouble and the mayhem that are uncalled for. I wish to stress this to all that's reading - I KNOW my external enemies and the dangers that come infiltrate my relationship here and there, and i will, to the best of my ability, primarily keep Irna safe and subsequently uphold my relationship from where it stands. Its just how much i love my irna dayana. :] . Speaking of that lady, im waiting for her to return home now. Poor her probably running up and down the bar now. I'll hear you soon and i'll see you tomorrow k hunny? ;P Heh. Oi, the rest of you werent supposed to hear that. Haha. okay, im jamming weds and thurs and i cant wait. Mus in the line up now and the connections couldnt have been better. A show this saturday and another on 1st august. New song just done and another on the way. What more can i say? Haha. Just be sure to check us out yeah. Dont forget to check out Cherish I Cyanide too. Awesome experimental-ish post-hxc band. I dont know how to end this. So i'll just leave it like that. Take care friends. Till next time.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Hi. Too much happenings lately. First things first.. To the guy that tried to stub Irna out, you damn freaking bull bodoh. People give you your chance to prove your point but you werent there. And its not like i brought a machete with me or something. I know you were wrong from the start cause i know what happened. I was basically there because you already hurled abusive words against Irna, what else if you were to meet her, you would throw your backhand? Of cause for that sake i have to be there. Knowing the facts, i can roughly guess what kind of a man you are and where youre going with your actions. And its not just coming from me but a few others that predicted the same as well. Fucking bull man. You dont deserve to even know Irna. You have no freaking idea how much you once mean to her. But you blew it yourself. For what?? Ass isnt it. I wonder whats your actual reason on being friends with her in the first place. How un-genuine. There's alot that needs to be said and be answered. And i really mean alot. But bull crap someone just wouldnt want to bring this down. I cant believe this is all coming from a man of your age. Whatever it is, if you happen to be reading this, i put it to you that if youre gonna come around messing with Irna's life again, we will come back to bring you down.
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