Monday, June 22, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
I swear i miss my Irna Banana. But she's working. And a day without her is so.. :S. Ahaa..! Oh well. Shall wait for her return. But daymn, its only voice for tonight. :[ Ahh, that dont matter. Hopefully tmr i get to piiiiiiiiiiinch her bloody cute plump-like pinky biteable kissable cheeks. Cheeks.. Ahhhh damn. Just one of the gazillion things which i love bout baby. And with this it makes me think of the next best thing i love bout her.. and the next thing.. and the one after that.. and damn you know, this never ends. But its okay, never want it to end anyway. Never. I love you dearbaby. come home soon. I miss you terribly. Sorry im like talking to myself. Guess just one of those days, you sat stoned, thinking bout nothing cept' for the one that matters you the most. Mmhmmm. Yeah. Alright alright i'll be back with a life update.. just someday. :D
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Irna Hunny asked me to do this. -_- haha! This is my first time doing a survey onliune as such. 1. EVER BEEN GIVEN AN ENGAGEMENT Ring?: I gotta give instead of being given. Ohh, baby.. i got something in my pocket for you. 2. LONGEST RELATIONSHIP?: runnin' 1year1month strong. 3. LAST GIFT YOU RECEIVED?: xoxo's from hunnybunny 24hours ago. 4. EVER DROPPED A CELL PHONE?: everyday.. drop in my pocket. 5. WHEN'S THE LAST TIME YOU WORKED OUT?: 16km cycle 2days ago! my ass got worked out alright. 6. THING(S) YOU SPEND A LOT OF MONEY ON?: fuckin ez-link. 7. LAST FOOD YOU ATE?: mother's bee hoon goreng 8. FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ABOUT THE OPPOSITE SEX?: face. im a face man. ahaa! 9. ONE FAVORITE SONG?: Beauty is skin deep. :D! 10. WHERE DO YOU LIVE?: Pasir ris. 11. HIGH SCHOOL YOU ATTENDED: Loyang. 12. CELL PHONE SERVICE PROVIDER: singapore telecoms. gotta have mio man. 13. FAVORITE MALL STORE: i dont frequent malls. pasar malam for me anytime. 14. LONGEST JOB YOU HAD: Courts. Cashier. 15. DO YOU OWN A PAIR OF DICE?: err. i.. own a diff kind of dice? 16. DO YOU PRANK CALL PEOPLE?: only to hunnybunny... once in a while. :B 17. LAST WEDDING YOU ATTENDED: some relative. more often then not, i have no idea whose wedding im attending. 18. FIRST FRIEND YOU'D CALL IF YOU WON THE LOTTERY: no one. they'll steal my money! >:O 19. LAST TIME YOU SAW YOUR BEST FRIEND: last week. 20. FAVORITE FAST FOOD RESTAURANT: KAY EFF SICK. 21. BIGGEST LIE YOU HAVE EVER HEARD: hunnybunny saying im cute. HEH! joking baby! 23. WHERE'S YOUR FAVORITE PLACE TO EAT WITH FRIENDS?: Chippy's British-Take-Away! 24. CAN YOU COOK?: used to. 25. WHAT CAR DO YOU DRIVE?: daytona. 26. BEST KISSER: HunnyBunny!! ohh huny, where are you..?! 27. LAST TIME YOU CRIED?: don't remember. 28. MOST DISLIKED FOODS: PORK. 29. THING YOU LIKE MOST ABOUT YOURSELF: i play drums without being taught. im in love without being forced. 30. THING YOU DISLIKE MOST ABOUT YOURSELF: im a failure. 32. LONGEST SHIFT YOU HAVE WORKED AT A JOB?: SubCourt Officer. 14 frickin hrs. 33. FAVORITE MOVIE?: The Pianist. 34. CAN YOU SING?: Shit, no. 35. LAST CONCERT ATTENDED?: Slipknot back in uhm.. i cant remember. 36. LAST KISS?: With baby before i die. 37. LAST MOVIE RENTED: i dont rent movies. 38. ONE THING YOU NEVER LEAVE THE HOUSE WITHOUT: Phone. 39. FAVORITE vacation spot: Paris! 43. LAPTOP OR DESKTOP COMPUTER?: Desk. 44. FAVORITE COMEDIAN?: Irna Dayana. haha, see am laughing already. and russel peters. 45. DO YOU SMOKE?: YEAH... 46. SLEEP WITH OR WITHOUT CLOTHES?: i like it without. :O 47. WHO SLEEPS WITH YOU EVERY NIGHT?: my phone. 48. DO LONG DISTANCE RELATIONSHIPS WORK?: i doubt so. 49. HOW MANY TIMES HAVE YOU BEEN PULLED OVER BY THE POLICE?: I AM THE POLICE! 50. PANCAKES OR FRENCH TOAST?: pancakes!! 51. DO YOU LIKE COFFEE?: have it almost daily. 52 HOW DO YOU LIKE YOUR EGGS?: eggs-citingly made!! -_- 53. DO YOU BELIEVE IN ASTROLOGY?: i cant do that. 54. LAST PERSON YOU TALKED TO ON THE PHONE?: Hunnybunny! 55. LAST PERSON ON YOUR MISSED CALL LIST?: hunnybunny too.. hmm. 56. WHAT WAS THE LAST TEXT MESSAGE YOU RECEIVED?: From a friend, who cant wait to meet me and my band. 58. NUMBER OF PILLOWS?: 2. i threw 3 additional away to another room. 59. WHAT ARE YOU WEARING RIGHT NOW?: shorts. 60. PICK A LYRIC, ANY LYRIC: "stop being, stop being, selfish. selfish selfish selfish". Hehe. 61. WHAT KIND OF JELLY DO YOU LIKE ON YOUR PB & J?: voodoo jelly. 62. CAN YOU PLAY POOL?: yes. i thrash azhar man. eheh. 63. CAN YOU SWIM?: barely. :X 64. FAVORITE ICE CREAM?: belgian cookies and cream. 65. DO YOU LIKE MAPS?: yes, i love the yeah yeah yeahs. 66. TELL ME A RANDOM FACT ABOUT YOURSELF: im rasul not rasoool. 68. EVER ATTEND A THEME PARTY?: never! i want to! 69. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SEASON: autumn. 70. LAST TIME YOU LAUGHED AT SOMETHING STUPID?: At a catamite remandee. Sorry. 71. WHAT TIME DID YOU WAKE UP THIS MORNING?: 5am freakin every mornin! 72. BEST THING ABOUT WINTER?: Hot Cocoa i suppose? 73. LAST TIME A COP GAVE YOU A TICKET?: I AM THE COP! 75. NAME OF YOUR FIRST PET?: Azhar. 76. DO YOU THINK PIRATES ARE COOL OR OVERRATED?: cool? 77. WHAT ARE YOU DOING THIS WEEKEND?: see birds with baby! and jam with ERIS! 78. BIRTHDATE: 2 days after children's day. 79. WHAT DO YOU WANT TO BE: a husband. a psychologist. a drummer. 85. ARE YOU ON A LAPTOP?: on a desk top. 87. ARE YOU SMILING?: im staring. 89. DO YOU MISS SOMEONE RIGHT NOW: YES, MY BABY. NOW. 90. IF YOU COULD GO ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD WHERE WOULD YOU GO?: i'll go wherever irna will go. even if it's narnia. hmm.. 92. ARE YOU IN HIGH SCHOOL?: nope. 93. DO YOU HAVE A CRUSH?: nope. 94. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE NAME?: Muhammad Rasul. 95. WHAT COLOR IS YOUR BATHING SUIT?: Brown. I bath naked. 96. DOES YOUR SCHOOL START IN AUGUST?: i wish. 97. DID YOU GO ON VACATION LAST MONTH?: Yes, KL, with hunnybunny and eris! Best trip ever. 98. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN ON A CRUISE?: Yes. 99. DO YOU HAVE A SISTER?: Nope. I have 2. 100. ARE YOU UPSTAIRS?: 4th floor. heh heh. 101. ARE YOU IN LOVE?: Since 3rdMay 08. 102. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN IN THE HOSPITAL?: again, i wish. 103. DO YOU WISH YOU COULD SEE ANYONE PARTICULAR RIGHT NOW?: My Irna, My band, My little sister. 104. WHAT JEWELRY ARE YOU WEARING?: i dont use them. 105. WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO AFTER THIS SURVEY?: Call baby. Off this com and sleep.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Yo yo hellooo. Been awhile since i last updated. FIrst thing's first.. Happy 1year1monthsary my icky smelly hunny bunny! ![]() Icky smelly hunny bunny (ISHB) went for idola singapura tryouts yesterday and daymn shit, she made me proud.. she made it thru to round 2!! Ahh.. even mummy was excitedly shocked to hear the news. Okeh, ISHB, i wanna be there for your whole journey in idola. Many good lucks from me! Lovelovelovelovelovelovelove. You're my number 1 okeh! And im.. her biggest fan. Hehe. Im freaking lethargic these past few days. I've been up 5 days straight with minimal sleep. 4 hours of power naps to be exact. Worked on Wednesday, after which, that night i slept for 3 hours. Worked on Thursday, and that night i slept for an hour. Worked on Friday. After work went home first before going to the idola queue. Up all night in dhoby ghaut. Accompany ISHB all morning. When she's done in the afternoons, we head back to have a quickie rest. After which, arnd 8, left home again to go night cycling with ISHB and her colleagues. Spend whole saturday night and sunday morning cycling around the south eastern shores of singapore. Reached home at 9am, all shagged, oily, ass-cramped, sticky, and my eyelids were loyally obeying to gravity. Most tiring week ever. Haha. But no regrets, it was awefully fun. The cycling was awesome. Ive always wanted to cycle for long distances in sleeping hours. We went from east coast to changi beach, to simpang bedok and back again to east coast. The bike we rented looks pretty impressive at first, but then after the whole trip, i wish the bikes had suspension and fucking better seats. Fucking Better Seats Please! My ass hurts like fuck. (no, i never tried ass-fucked before) Im happy and proud that even ISHB made it thru. I suppose other girls would whine about how tired or sleepy or sticky they are halfway through the trip. But baby wasnt being patty at all. She rode the bike like everyone else and not like a paranoid whimpy materialistic chick. Awesome ah lovergirl. Heh. Lovelovelovelovelovelove. Im gonna go sungei road someday. Get myself a good 2nd-hand bike (hey there's GT there and all okay) and maybe cycle across the country. I suppose that's all for now. There are lots of things that happened and because of this, i dont have the time to blog no more. Will try to update again real soon. Take care you. Till next time. PS: hunny, i miss you. come home sooooon. :[ nyeh.
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