Monday, May 18, 2009
Let our love make the world go round. ![]() xoxo. There's no telling how much im in love with this woman. The one darling that i can ever end up with. She gets more gorgeous by the day and i just cant figure why or how come. ![]() She's always there when i needed her. Be it by voice, by mind, by soul, or by heart, Yes, we may fail each other at times, but you'll always be back to hold my hand. ![]() I can never see myself with anyone other then you. I wish to take you with me, forever. We've been through so much, and there's alot of other roads which i want to walk, only with you. This is my life. It wouldnt be as beautiful, if it wasnt for you. You mean everything to me Irna. And i promise i'll love you all my life. ![]()
POP-OH! ![]() Yoooo to one and all! Alas, im back again. Post yg kat bawah tu bukan kite ye. Org sesat maner entah yg post.. HAH! ok kidding hunny. :B AND SO..! Yes yes, i've been busy as always but not too worry. AKU DAH P-O-P oh!! Ahhhh! Yes, for those who didnt know, im sorry for not telling that, i, Rasoool, has been enlisted to the Police National Service early December last year. Reason for not telling is that i just dont want people to come hunting me down, wanting to see me cause im.. uhm, bald. HAHA! No, on a serious note, it is for security reasons. And im not talking about the bald part. I mean, hey, im stucked in cck of all places 5 days a week you know. Just anything could have happened without me knowing in 5 days. But thank god, residential training is over. And i seem to be very much well and alive. ![]() ![]() Heh, if im spiderman, that small man in orange would be the boss from the Daily Bugle. And on the right, that'll be my Mary Jane Watson. :b 5 months of training inside wasnt as smooth either. Brawls inside out. Conspiracies ignited too. Im proud to say i am the assistant squad commander of Squad 61 for the first 3 months of BMT. After which my actual number 1 squad cmndr lost the trust of many and i jolly well took over. Its nice to know that people actually want you to lead. Plus, i could have won the Best Trainee award!!! But i didnt. I lost it to that same number 1 squad cmndr cause he's the one guy my officer-in-charge only knows (when he should know EVERYONE). Total bullcrap man. On the night of POP, i approached my physical instructor (someone who spends most time with the squad) to give a farewell handshake. I looked at him, gripped his hand, and i say my thanks. He did the same and in a volume of which only i could hear at that moment, he said, "its okay Rasul.. in my eyes, you're still my best trainee." And whoaaaaaaaaaaaaargh, you have no idea how much that means to me. I mean, ive been through shits for 5 months man. And im one of those who really give their all in their chase for the award. And knowing that i lost it to someone which isnt of a fair deal AT ALL, it sucks big time man. All that extensive training, tip top discipline (hey i didnt smoke in camp for 5months kay), leadership enforcements, all for nothing. Its sad. My instructor can only remind me that this is the real life where nothing is fair and everyone cheats to win. Im not boasting or anything here alright. Im not trying to act big, acting like as if im good in everything, no. Im not, i too had quarrels with people and had things which i cant do physically. I mean this really happened and i am devastated that it has come to this, where i cant do much about it in the end. Personal achivements aside, its alright. Im happy enough to gain lots of new friends from different walks of life. The bitchy lembut, the hygenic mr.particular, the pengotor, the tk senonoh, matrep, unsound mind, semangat nk mampos, si beh on, mr.everything-by-the-book, mat rempit, hxc gamer, irritatingly lovable teeth man, conmen, EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE. Seriously, i learn alot. Its a valuable experience which i wont trade it for anything to give it away but i hope i wont ever have to go through again. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Now, to serve for the remaining year and a half. Im posted somewhere now. Guess i wont tell as what and where just yet. Wish me well and i wont go find and arrest you. PFFT LAME. :S HAH! Enough of NS guys. I miss my Irna. Wonder where is she.. hmm. (search: Irna) ![]() PS: thank you hunny for the POP pix! swear i love you. xoxo. :)
Sunday, May 17, 2009
BOO! hello irna here. hahahahahahahahahahaha!! dey. salah account. agahahaha!!
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Happy One Year Anniversary Irna Dayana! I Love You! now for forever. xoxo. More updates to come!
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