Sunday, February 22, 2009
Btw, happy belated vday Irna. I Love You. Get well soon hunny, xoxo.
Yes. Smell that animosity i brew? Ah, its unintentional you know. But hey, who the heck listens? Hmm.. i wonder. Oh well, these piercing incisions, they dont matter no more. At least i told myself not to. Because its only temporary. At least i hope so. Would i really want to be immune to pain? At least i try to crawl when i cant walk. At least? At ease? At the very least? Ahh, I cant find my legs. Dont we all just hate it when all the problems in this world, in this life and in our personal life, suddenly came rushing in, all at one go, just when we thought of having a piece of mind of our own? Yeah, it may not be anything heavy, but damn, when it grabs you, it sure does nail you if you know what i mean. Well okay, maybe personally i am abit too sensitive but.. aiya, i dont know la. I tend to think too much i guess. And when im in that dreaming state, i sure have no clue where my mind could get me. Its for better and for the worse, according to my current mood i guess. But in reality, anything can happen and i believe that fate is in your own hands to mould it and pave it. Example, from the hearts of your peers, i can be a bitch or a hero. Its up to me to shift to who i want to be. However sometimes, i need external clause to save me. Like.. time. Patience. Tolerence. And so many others. I thought ive proven with the time ive willingly spared but i guess it wasnt enough. The only way to carry on? Spare more time i suppose. Be patient till i get myslef redeemed. And tolerate the current process while it lasts. Rest assured, no one wants to be a bad person. Okay, just another sleepless night when you think of life deeply rooted to the core of your brain. Take care people.
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