Thursday, December 25, 2008
![]() Happy 19th Birthday to my greatest love, Irna Dayana. May god bless you hunny with great health and wealth. I will love you with all my heart for the rest of my life, and it can only get greater through each passing day. Im sorry for the pasts that were ever sour. But im making this clear, that im cherishing every bit of you now.. and forever. In god's will, marry you i will. And i'll battle through anything that comes in my way just to get to you. Cause you are my one. You are my special. You are so beautiful. And you definately mean everything to me. And this.. i promise you, that i will love you with all my heart for the rest of my life. Happy 19th Birthday b. manymanymanykisses from your silly bloody moronic idoit boyfriend, Rasoool. ps: i still owe you presents, haha, and yes bby, we'll ride swans pretty soon yeah. :]
We all can't always get what we want. Something that we have to take it to our stride each day. We all fret when things dont go our way. But do we receive it like we should if things actually does go how we wanted it to be? We are humans. And this is life. As much as we all would like to think that being an animal would be better or thought that life just generally suck, well no, we all gotta live with it. Live this life of being a human no matter how miserable we all seem to see. I believe this life, as humans, are well balanced. The rules are there, and the board is here for us to play it. There is no short cut in life. And cheating, has its consequences. However, play it diligently and patiently, and you would reach the very end.. and win it once and for all. Life is a game? Life is a bitch? Life is fair? Life is wonderful? I leave you to decide how you look at it. I think that life is wonderful. The majority of you, would like to pick number two. Why is it always the bad? The term "think positive" is cliche i know. But it really is strong and true and should you live by it day to day, trust me, you'll reach number four in no time. Merry Christmas. I'll see you all real soon. Rasoool.
Monday, December 8, 2008
im hating this. what? why? how? who? i dont know. what the fuck is this. will somebody please stand in my way just so i have some fucking meat to punch at? cheebye. this is goodbye.
i am. so.. confused. i dont know what to do. bless me. bless me. bless me. please. i feel sorry for my poor self. better days ahead! haiyak. i miss you irna. i miss you ERIS. i miss you family. muscles here i come.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Im sorry. Ive been plain lazy to update my shits. But oh well, now that i have some time for myself, i shall do a brief one. Hahahaha, see, still lazy. Just got back from KL last weekend with band. Was quite an awesome getaway i would say. Out, away, with 4 other baboons. Stuck together in a room. Getting drunk and wasted. - hahah okay i lied. But it sure was awesome. The show we had was awesome too. The bands were great, and we made lotsa new friends. Okay im updating like a 12 year old but fuck it okay. Told you its gonna be a brief one. Hahaha. I came to realise just a few mins ago that ERIS, is currently on fire. Im not saying this in an ego kinda way, but rather in a "damn son" kinda reaction. I mean, the shows man, the damn shows. 27th nov, 6th dec, 14th dec, 27th dec, 28th dec, 14th Feb. Its crazy man. I never thought we would reach such situations. But im all out to each and every one of them. Gaha. Only thing we need now.. are MORE SONGS. Hahahaha. Enough with the band crap. Yesterday, was as awesome as hanging out with 4 boys for 4 days combined. But only this time, it was like with a girl for 10 hours. Okay, stop thinking nasty. What i meant was, I had my 7monthsary with hunny Irna Banana yesterday. It was awesome. I wish it can be repeated. Either that or, wish it never ended. We went Kid's Kampong and chase fishes! Hahaha. That's something i think only 0.5 out of 1 000 000 couples would do on such celebrations. With that, i owe hunny a kiss. And oh, I love feeding ducks now. Seriously. And i didnt know hunny was a pro fish-er. Hahaha. For real. After which, we sat by the shores at the beach. (my idea! so now i think someone owes me a kiss heh :] ) It was so breezy and beautiful with winds caressing our faces and watching me love sitting infront of me with her hair being blown to the back, my evening cant get any perfect then that. Love was wearing simple but it somehow read so gorgeously from my eyes. I swear. It was so beautiful. One of the nights i'll remember for a long time. I love you Irna Dayana. Happy 7 months dearest. After this post, you can bet i wont be updating any time soon. I'll be busy. Ohhhh yeaah, VERY busy. I hate it. Cause i'll miss you people. Argh. Oh well. Gonna go now. I miss hunny Irna, im gonna appear at her workplace. So.. good bye! And dont forget to come for ERIS's shows!
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