Thursday, February 28, 2008
![]() ANYONE INTERESTED?! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE. ANYONE! that includes mai.. and rena. hahaha.
Monday, February 25, 2008
oh, its a show featuring.. halal / hadhari (malaysia) cape verda little girl terrorist every rage i seek jim ross 29th february, 6 - 9 pm 4 dollars, beat merchants 11b jalan pinang singapore 199143 i miss aisha.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
i dont usually believe in horoscopes. we are not supposed to anyway. but we all know sometimes its kinda weird of how close these predictions can get. "You have an extra-strong appreciation of beauty today, so it's a wonderful time to go out and enjoy the things you usually find most beautiful. Flowers, art, landscapes, the beach and other kinds of natural beauty will be especially welcome to your wide-open, receptive eyes. Heck, even the things (and the people) you don't think are particularly attractive will have a certain aesthetically pleasing effect. And if you're about to go on a first date, your attraction to the other person will be greater, too." heh. ..and yesterday, i met someone so beautiful. :]
alhamdulillah. for EVERYTHING. absolutely every thing.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
yo. friday. one last paper to go. and im done with academics for the year. hahahaha. screw you all. but wait, now what am i gonna do? 0_0 shit. screw myself ah. haha. current situation? i dont know. i guess i just have to sit down and see (like always). hahaha. i am, an idiot afterall.. like someone called me. kan. :O hahaha. im in a cheery mood. i dont why. nothing significantly good is happening. but im cheery. and i cant stop the haha. hahaha. k. whatever's gonna happen, happen. i'll try not to let matters bring me down again. but i wish everything will be better! yaaaaam seng!
Friday, February 15, 2008
14/02/08. horrible day. 8 people out of 80. fucking stupid. waste my fucking time. went through exam questions. i swear the lecturer gave us answers. direct, exact answers. worse lecturer ever. no wonder your "oh so good" degree students complained, kicking your rice bowl. oh but wait, "i dont have to be here, i earn $300 an hour outside." THEN WHY YOU EVEN FUCKING BOTHER BITCH?! but thanks for the answers anyway. got quite a schedule this weekend, so thanks for the shortcut bitch. PRICK. fucking loser. look at you. walkin abt doin stupid things, heads down. fake smiles up and around. FUCKING GET UP ALREADY?! and you. ohhh you. i dont know what to say. you failed me. thats all there is. but its not too late. not too late. all this time. all this while. its not for fun you know. i meant what i did. i meant what i say. my intentions are purely sincere and true. are not were. its not too late. but i guess you're on the verge. and some people just wont compromise!!! after allllllllllllllll the heart and soul i put in. i let you ppl sit back. the least i want is a simple 6 letter word. too much to ask for? its okay. but for everyone's sake, have some sense of priorities. pleeease. im sick and tired of things alright. when you're there, pouring your heart out over commitments that matters most to you and 'the other' neglects it somehow, someway, it kinda degrades you. but things cant always go my way. i know. and im aware of that. but i could have atleast sworn that i tried running empathy. in some cases i tried leaving space. i tried having a piece of mind (for 'the other'). but no. my heartfelt efforts doesnt seem to solve it. im sick of being nice. im better of being the bitch i used to. well.. too bad bitches end up nowhere. times like these.. i just realised (7 seconds ago), you might need to seek faith. return and strengthen. i hope none of you understood what is written. for all i know i'll wake up the next morning, regretting why i post this. thank you.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
i find that there is no reason to blog about since.. well. how am i? i dont fucking know. im sick and tired of this.. for the 92174987324932th time! whatever. better days ahead i hope. happy total defence. -_- fucker, go buy the ep.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
IF YOU THINK V-DAY IS ALL ABOUT LOVE THEN GO AND TAKE YOUR PARENTS OUT LA! asnfklshdfklhfjklfklfkdsfj urghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. i admit. i guess i am a little jealous.
![]() multiple conflicts. multiple joy. multiple reactions. multiple changes. multiple directions. multiple players. 2 fucking years. 2 fucking years. Every Rage I Seek! 'Your Death Warrant is in Effect' the EP out.. 17th February 2007. wow. i sound so 'jiwe'. :]
Thursday, February 7, 2008
whats up. some lone-leh holiday this has been. home alone part 5? -_- assignments due next week. just cant prioritise my time well. shit. rushing now. i hope in exactly a week later, my squared circle wldnt be so lonesome. bah, who am i kidding. fklnsklhgskldhgls urgh. anyway, i miss you too Aisha.. very much. happy cny to all. even to those 'celup' ones. fuckaaa. I will always feel. And I will always care. I wish she was my enemy. But I'm still waiting here for her to hold my hand. For her to steal my breath. For her to pick up the pieces of promises never kept She moves in slow motion. Sonically as the rain. As the rain falls down. Everything is still as she moves to me. Stands still. Maybe I'll do better on my own. Why does everything disappear? When all I see is you alone... And her love moves slowly. This time now I'm dying for you to call my name. I'm waiting. Still Fading. So tell me I'm not alone. I'm still waiting. I'm still fighting. Wake me from this sleep So I can begin living Or give me the solution So I can start dying Will I start living, or start dying? Maybe I'll do better on my own Why does everything disappear When all I see is you alone And her love moves slowly This time now I'm dying for you to call my name I'm waiting. Still fading So tell me I'm not alone...
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Sunday, February 3, 2008
I just realised this blog has passed the '200th posts' mark. This is the 201th. Whatever. There is something which is really bothering me these few days. I felt like saying it out. typing it out. venting it out. But.. i guess, something's are just better left unsaid. For all i know it's not gonna be wise. It's not gonna solve anything. And by talking it out just eases me.. but only temporarily. So.. whats the point right, hold it back i will i guess. and and btw, what's up with people about "shuffles" these days. i've been hearing that word quite a lot and it's fucking annoying. doing that shitty leg moves they do.. wtf. i mean, i understand those party-goers talking about dance moves and all, but kids?! damn. the only time you mats can ever shuffle is with your friends in the school canteen! or the void deck. for fuck's sake, i cant even "shuffle" a deck of cards right. -_- i've been an angry boy lately. a vulgar, lonely, angry boy.
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