Monday, December 31, 2007
![]() I never thought the last remaining days of the year would be some of the best. 29th dec was sure hectic but fun in many ways. Heh. The Business Organizational Behaviour exam was a fun paper to do. Lucky for me it was such a damn breeze. Studied the exact right bits. Wldnt want to sound cocky or over-confident or arrogant but i would be surprised if i fail this one. Well, there goes my 3rd term of school. Term 4, final term coming. How fast. I had mutton briyani before the gig. Little did i know that would last me for 10 hours. Chewy mutton. mhmmm. Slaughter House Massacre was awesome. Lived up higher then my expections. Haha. I dont know bout the guys but i personally felt that that was the best show ERIS had played to date. But i had multiple nervous-breakdowns before the show. Especially in school when i was doing that darn paper. My stomach would go all squirmy2 then my whole body would tremble as if 10 cicaks have fallen on my head. Yeah. Oh, and after almost a year of knowing each other, i finally get to meet dear ramsey. Looser sia Rasoool. Haha. Thanks alot to you and your friends for coming. and thanks for messing my hair. -_- haha, pinetart btul. imy already. lkndfklsfhjsldhfsdkhfs. so, another big day today. New year's eve. woo, doesn't come often. I hope it'll be good. Thou part of my plan is wasted cause SOMEBODY couldn't make it. Great. Haha. But nvm, go prepare for school, sarung all buku ah. Haha. I suppose this is gonna be the last post for the year. 2007 has been a great year afterall. School, band, family, friendships. but still loveless, like damnnn dawggggg. haha. The guys are gonna make fun bout that but i dont think i care anymore, cause this is my pathetic online rantings and i know someday im happy for writing such shits. Yep. Goodbye 07. Hello 08. A Happy New Year to one and all. God Bless Youuuuuuuu! :]
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Nak blog. Tapi sekarang macam malas/penat mode. So meanwhile, i'll just say, 29th Dec 07 gerek brotha! -_- till then.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
![]() It's this saturday! Finally! I can feel my legs like jelly already. Not to mention the Organizational Behaviour Exam im having before that. SHITTOS. How to ace like that? Oh, and new year's eve countdown next week. I wonder what my eventual plan is for that day. I want it to be a memorable one soooo badly. :[ All these good events happening while im broke. Damn Dawg. on another note, when is the last time im out for a date? Damn Dawg, part two. -_-
Monday, December 24, 2007
![]() ![]() ![]() This is for 8 years of friendship. Here's lookin at another 8. Keep in contact fellow ex Pri-schoolers. For i'll remember you always. Endeavour & Persevere, class of 5 & 6H, 2001. All the best. See you.
Friday, December 21, 2007
Sometimes i want to show. But i can never be so direct. Aaaaaarghhh. Oh why. This is F-ed.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Primary Schooooooooool. Ah, i used to hate you all but i guess everything's good now. Its nice to have these reunions. Keeping in contact and stuffs like that. Haha, i remember you guys who, at times, wld play the "ouija board" and i will be the one who wld spoil everything and everyone by saying something like, "aper ni merepek, i dont believe this crap, obviously you used your fingers, get a life." blablabla. and during PE lessons, there wld be soccer matches where what supposed to be an 'inter-house' match turns out as an 'inter-race' match when the malays shall versus the chinese. and more often then not, i'll get this shoutout, "ahh rasul, rasul will play for you chinese. eh, but dont play keeper ah sul." and wth, i'll play the keeper and they never scored. I have no idea why was i the outcast. I was pretty much an introvert back then. I kept everything to myself. I dont bitch to anyone, let alone talk. Things are much different now. All matured, laughing about all the silly things we used to do and how much we've changed. The best thing is, despite our differences, we have something to relate to - our shared memories - and because of that we have no problems in any way right now at 18 years of age. Oh and i cant help but to say this, I found out, i've grown taller than most of them after leaving pri school. 0_0 hahahaha. And uhm, i look wierd in this picture. And these guys are just 1/4 of the people who attended the chalet. Bless you all. Till we meet again next year.
Monday, December 17, 2007
The two recent jammings was a complete blast! mmmmmm. 2 more weeks. 2 more weeks. I cant wait. Chalet later today. So-called 'reunion' with the primary school mates. I never like my primary school days. Moreover, the kids. And somemore im staying over. How ah? Im still lonely and im still not okay. So F you.
Saturday, December 15, 2007
A lil somethin to relate to. Love this song. Classic RHCP piece. I feel for this song sooo much. ___________________________________________________ Under The Bridge Sometimes I feel like I dont have a partner Sometimes I feel like my only friend Is the city I live in, the city of angel Lonely as I am. Together we cry I drive on her streets cause shes my companion I walk through her hills cause she knows who I am She sees my good deeds and she kisses me windy I never worry. Now that is a lie. I dont ever want to feel like I did that day Take me to the place I love, take me all the way Its hard to believe that theres nobody out there Its hard to believe that Im all alone At least I have her love, the city she loves me Lonely as I am. Together we cry. I dont ever want to feel like I did that day Take me to the place I love, take me all the way (Under the bridge downtown) Is where I drew some blood (Under the bridge downtown) I could not get enough (Under the bridge downtown) Forgot about my love (Under the bridge downtown) I gave my life away
now, NEXT!
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Forget all that i've said on the previous post below. Shit feelings = Shit doings. But this time, no hiding. So it'll remain there. Too much already. Anyway, wishes for 2 of my many favourite brothas in the world, Aizad, a very Happy 18th Birthday for you. im sooo broke right now, sorry. haha. and, Azhar, a very Happy Belated 19th Birthday for you. sorry if im posting your bday wish this late. haha. may you both be blessed by God always, inshallah. its time to watch m18 movies. hahaha.
Some days you feel shit. Some days you dont. Another bad week this is. Thou nothing bad in particular happen, it's the lonely, boring, non-productive day-to-day happenings which builds up to the current state. I feel like im throwing my days away. Ironically, it turned out that school is the one and only thing which i sincerely anticipate for. 3 months back, school is the shitty event of the day. No friends, lonely breaks and total self-study. But now, thanks to a particular classmate, im having enjoyable lunch breaks, study groups, an interactive class and even college gossips. Thanks. But other then that, december has been nothing but shit. Im sick of people disturbing me. Im sick of being lonely. Im sick of trying soo hard to get a.. . Why must i be disturbed? Is that an issue worth being laughed at? Get straight and tell me what you actually want or need. Im sick of it. Im sick of getting pointed and laughed at for seeking a companion. Effin bullshit. Im even sick of favours. Each time, setting my foot in the house, and off triggers another favour. For goodness effin sake, i reached home, tired, somewhat wasted, and moody, and you expect me to do such favours? Shit, in this kinds of conditions i dont think i can even perform well in school. Im just pretty fucked up in all ways, physically, mentally, and more importantly, emotionally. Gone the days of me being the extrovert that i am, going rounds feeling all jovial. ERIS is jamming tomorrow. I so need to beat that bloody drums till the skins got blasted. I hope it works, venting. I hope tomorrow would be a better day.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
"You cant entirely be fooled by appearences, because in the end, we're all biologically driven creatures, and if you get your foot in the door, the biology can take over and the culture may lose its power." -Anthony Kiedis, Larry Sloman. (2004). Scar Tissue.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Haiyaaaaa. Ramsey, Syq, you guys spoiled it aaah. Hahaha. shh eh. ;)
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Till The End Remember the old days OLD SKOOL! i'm trying to find the meaning i'm trying to find the reality what do i understand and what do they pretend till the end i'll strike i'm not so good enough to make the world inside my hand but i'm not pretend to be someone that i don't belong
Saturday, December 8, 2007
School is getting soo much better. Test done. Assignments handed in. Friends made. Coping relatively well with studies too. 2 more weeks of revision and it's the exams already. How fast. Exams unfortunately falls on the same date as the Welcome to the Slaughterhouse Massacre GIG. 29th dec. How am i to concentrate? I hope my mind wont be elsewhere OR hopefully there wldnt be any butterflies in my stomach while doing the paper. *shruggs. Social life? bad. Bad bad bad bad. People whom i met outside will never fail to ask, "...who are you with?" and i'll go like, "ohh im here with some friends, they're there somewhere.." But when in actual fact, im alone. I dont like being alone. 2 solid years in tha club man. Ohhhhhh, I dont like this. ERIS. well. fine. if not, better. despite the recent fucked-up show, the band is still in good health. Stronger too. I cant wait to fucken jam again.. this time, with additional power-ups? :] Tickets for the 29th dec show is still available. Call, text, email, tagg me for them. Going at 5bucks each! hurry hurry. 2 different poster desgins below. Support your local bands! (i know some of you promised to go haaa) :] ![]() ![]()
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
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