Tuesday, July 31, 2007
IM A LONER. my gosh, im hating this. it's just not me you know. im talking about sch. my first day, and im 30mins late. got a seat somewhere in the center of the class beside this heavy breathing chi kid. i know it has only been 3 hours, but i think im gonna like this school. for one thing, it's totally MAT-FREE. hahaha. and i can see everyone is intellectual and conceptual in their own way. which is waaay different from ITE la. if you get what i mean. oh, and for the boys who will never fail to ask me the same question, NO NO, THERE ARE NO CHICKS. which is a good thing cause i realise i have alot of reading and research to do. ahaa. so i guess i'll stay anonymous. (i swear i want to ace this okay!)
Monday, July 30, 2007
currently, im "hearing" someone. dont worry, its a good thing. she's super funny and even super-er nice laa. and above it all, the best part is that we can converse soo flkhdsjflkhsd easily. and that's something which i do not come across often. i guess im happy? well, it's too early to say. whatever eh rasoool. heh. weekend was good. saturday was ultra fun. however, infinite apologies to someone. to be honest, im just following my heart. and i plead you to banish my existence. only because i deserve it. sincere, infinite apologies. tomorrow, school! hooray? lol. yes and no. im a nerdy, drumming, biz kid yaww! okay gotta sleep now, bsok skolaah ah. (LOL. YOU DONT KNOW HOW MUCH I MISS SAYING THAT.) (:
Friday, July 27, 2007
hi boys. im back. good to see no one's giving shit. ahaa. so, i've experienced living like Miss. Sarah Tancredi for almost a week. off with no connections to the outside world. hp gone. internet gone. even home phone gone. wtf right? and zad, the call is just what i need. haha. terus energy up i tell you. it's all good now. things happened for a reason i guess. today is good. my last day working for 8 hours. as of this monday onwards, sch begins. i havent been feeding my brain for the past 7 months. its about time. and the 1st module is "principles of marketing". cant wait to get my hands on that. hehe. but i will still continue on with work thou. mornings. 9 to 12. then off i go for lunch and then straight to school. long ride and one hot seat. lol. i neep a psp. ): this weekend is going to be hectic. yet a fun one i guess. i need to go shopping badly. school barang, drum barang. personal barang. alaamak. oh and not forgetting, the simpson's movie. lol. i think i want to watch next saturday. saper nk join, tagg, "aku nk ikot!" lol. i miss you kids. come therapy come!
Sunday, July 22, 2007
HI ALL. Im gonna go MIA for awhile. reason because all lines connected to me are off. and fuck, now im at macdonalds to check my email you know you know you know! IMY. all.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
hello boys. ive changed my number. why? cause the M1 line is gonna die soon. and dad signed up for a new Singtel line months ago but no one uses it. so instead of letting it go to waste, he asked me to switch. lucky the number is pretty. i'll miss you 96994291. ): lol, wth. and hello, 9*******! =D other updates, last week's jamming was greaat. super fun with the guys. my therapy. heh. sat's chalet was fun too. reunion with the sec sch boys. monday, movies. thaaank you sshaz (and roxanne) for the great day. wingardium-levioasa! CB!
Thursday, July 12, 2007
hi. im bored. here's a random post to all that matters. Aizad - the hero of 5 years. lol. fact is, we entered sec sch together (not knowing him yet back then) and we left together too. but somewhere in time, we went our own ways. with different set of friends and in different classes. but its all good in the end. and from mid 05, till now, you're the person i wld look up to. lol. dude, I WILL REMEMBER YOU for being the greatest friend in my teen days. all the stuffs that we've gone through. the good and the bad. stupid and wierd. wise and beneficiary. everything. and someday, when you're grey and old with six children climbing your back, i wld still want to keep in touch. i know i'll try. dude, you mean alot to me. thanks for the best 5 years. another 5 is a piece of cake. heh. Loyang Kids - by far the best sch i've ever been to. and the kids, help make it happen. dinie and shaikh, i know you guys prolly wont read this but yeah, i just wanted to say i treasure you guys too. my real childhood friends. most of it is nothing but soccer, but hell yeah, many things can happen in our usual soccer games at the different places stretched across 4 years. lepak, joke, drinks, soccer, girls eh? i still remember us playing the stupid VR Shooting Game at dinie's place. cb sia, i always lose! cheaters dont win dammit! haha. shaikh, ive known you for 8 years now. you're like a brother to me. you help me, i help you. we can be big jerks towards each other sometimes, but deep deep down, we both know its all good. i saw you, with tears rolling down your cheeks after knowing that i didnt make it to sec5. i swear i was soo touched boy. i can still feel it now. we realise we're departing, away frm each other after years of close friendship. dinie, how can i ever be sorry enough? we too were very close. another great buddy. we shared many good memories, in and out of school and especially, the stage. (: haha. its very sad that we're separated now. but its good to know you guys are doing well. i hope for us to stay in contact. even if we wont, you guys are in my <3 forever. i will miss you. all of you. 4A1/4A2. ERIS - this is now. we are making memories. but i refuse to think that way. if there's one wish i could make i'll wish for us to keep doing what we do best and will never stop till we're old enough to play. but i know that'll nvr happen. not in spore. lol. ERIS, i help make you. im not boasting, im just happy for what it turns out. this has become something that i'll never thought wld happen. we may not be there yet but hey, im pretty proud of where we're currently standing. and im not gonna stop yet, oh no no, not now, not soon. im not just doing this as a hobby, i look forward to each and every session as it has become a part of me. its who i am. and with this, it battles all problems that i have. it destresses me. and what better way to share this great music experience then going thru this together with four fine lads. zad, azhar, sshaz and ryan. plumber, sportsman, coach and engineer. HAHA. i love you kids. each of you, special and unique to me in your own way. we joke alot, we helped each other on our personal stuffs. we prank each other. we laugh at each other. we rock together. all in the name of fun. remember the time at ryan's place, we signed the wall, the recording, karaoke. omg. i can laugh thinking abt it all. and so far, i dont think there are any major disputes except for the old members right? we have a long way to go boys. and for all i know, whatever i do for you, is what i'll never regret. always in my heart. onward eris! so if you ask me, these are the people who matters most (besides family). and if you realise, there is no female in the list. however, i do wld like to add-on one. umairah, my "adik angkat" (heh). you helped and made me smile alot. and you'll be there, popping out whenever i need you. we used to contact heavily. but just like others, we both got lost somewhere in time. and that's sad. i hope you're happy with whatever you're up to now. i miss you very much. and remember, i'll forever be glad to help you out shld trouble get in your way. (: sorry for the long post. if your name is not appeared in the above text, its okay, you guys are here, in my blog, and i love you for that. again, im bored. and the topic is random. but here's a "tribute" to the ones that matters. love, Rasoool <3.
time to play some mooosic! i hope i wont get sued for playing this. (: i love these guys too. lol.
hello boys! you know, an hour ago, i was very moody and all. frustrated, angry, (a little) sad and whatever lah. teaching your siblings for just an hour can make you screeeam until your balls drop i tell you. love-ship is never good. either will it nvr work out or i'll nvr try. leaves me still pending for a someone to call my own. and as abt now, it cld just be anyone i guess. hurr. band matters troubled me too. wld like to say more but it's not gonna be wise. so i'll skip that. and, parents just pissed me off. i guess them being moody translating it through their actions got me moody too. alaaah normal lah. BUT THEN, i realised, session is tmr. and the band matter is more or less solved (temporarily). but im happy enough. just us, doing what we do, makes me happy. departing is like breaking up with your gf. so the thought of it is just scary. *shruggs session is the way to defeat issues yo! and it has been, since i dont know when. i love you boys knnccb. (: and im also happy, as i have something to look forward to - a beautiful weekend. thank you all. see you this weekend! ps: someone has been creating smiles out of me. i just want you to know that your presence is greatly anticipated. (:
Monday, July 9, 2007
enter the healing process. and onward for the quest, for a someone.. to call my own.
official 100th post. im too lazy to write a full update abt the weekend. but here's a brief one. friday night - esplanade. rika played an awesome set. grooved. just have to feel it yall. and AVA lagi awesome. and omgaaah, the vocalist pointed out to me while i was singing to the departure!!! if only you guys could see it thru my eyes. yes, semangat. yes, bangge. diam ah diam ah. saturday - youth park was fun in the earlier part of the day. night time, started to get boring and slow. (ahaa, i actually enjoyed talking and joking more.) but after friends left arnd 930, i realised im alone. looking forward to another great rika set. and yes, i got what i wanted. music addict? semangat ah sahfdisdhfslhdfslkf. -.- sunday - family went jemputan. visit abg sedare accident. concidence. take care. ps: songs like these never fail to make me reminisice of the good days which i had before. friends. love-ship. band memories. it sets my heart ticklishly happy (yet sad). because i believe life is lovely.. but too bad none of it could be repeated. you're not human if you call me emo for doing this.
Thursday, July 5, 2007
hello hello! aper kabar semua? fuckaaa. week has been okay so far. nothing but work, work, work. not jamming this week, azhar-man went HongKong. miss jamming and the guys already. oh, lappy sudaaah datang! yessa! so. world green day. saturday. battle against global warming? ah fuckaaa. so much for conserving and saving the world. do we really need a large-scale event to let everyone be aware of the earth's damages? i mean, think abt it. a whole day's concert. the electricity. the advertising/promotions. the beverages. the crowd. the waste. it's power consuming. paper-wasting. and mass littering. what good will it do? heh.okay, will update on weekend's events soon. i cant wait. (: meanwhile, this is the guitar recordings for the 3rd original. Every Rage I Seek - This Empty War insyallah will record with the whole band soon!
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
![]() transformers was super nice lor the show. knn, i wonder why the critics are so under-rating this movie. went with the usual TWM boys along with zaddy, noraina and shasha. tasha almost joined us if it wasnt for her curfew i guess. well, see you some other time then (if you're not too busy with drama). reached there late. we got a bad seat (front row). my neck hurts like shit. and my nachos finished in less than 30mins. fuckaaa. work for the next three days. gig on friday. sat? no plans yet. zad, shopping pehh? happy youth day to you old, frail bastards. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
Monday, July 2, 2007
Here's a short, brief, special update.
fuckaaaa! byebye.. pantat.
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