Monday, June 25, 2007
sunday bloody sunday! the musicfest gig. kinda boring. rather dissapointing. emo kids everywhere. like shaz said, "gik is krab"?. our set, not much ppl in the front and no moving like how it's suppose to be. however, big big thanks to aaron, alex, auji and zizi for being there the whole day for us. i got pictures. thank you alex. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
am always missing you. still missing you. and kept missing you. why aaah?! and there's this certain music group which (i suppose) whenever listened to, it'll remind you of your dearest friend. but me, listening to it, reminds me of you. i just cant get over you. and idk why. sure sounds silly cause we never had a moment, and me, being the normal boring person that i am, never made a move. guess it's fear for failiure? but there's just something about you which kept me so in 'like'. and again, idk what.. yet. you're lovely (iest). i want to love you, and you already know. HAHAHAHAHHAA. stupid song. will update on sunday's gig later!
Saturday, June 23, 2007
jamming today after a looong 2-week break. it was great. rusty here and there, but kinda solid. official 3rd original is done. happy for it. good tunes and breakdowns. i miss getting sweaty and smelly . i miss carving blisters on my fingers. i miss shreding wood chips out of my drumstick. so yeah, i enjoyed it. tomorrow (saturday), no plans. but would like to go out. anyone? anywhere. sunday, EveryRageISeek gig. redbar (gashaus). starts at 3 (i think). tix at 10bucks each. but seduce me and i'll give you for 8bucks. lots of other core core bands for sure. slot time between 5 to 7. i miss you.
Monday, June 18, 2007
met someone very familiar today. i was out to get some groceries. bumped to this girl. we kept glancing at each other. and after much thought, i finally recalled that she was a last year private O-level candidate. just like me. and we met as we took the papers at the same school, same location. being a private student wasnt easy. nobody knows anybody (unless if you're really lucky). and so while everyone was being awkard and nervous and all, i remembered her (from a distance) approaching me and asked, "hey, hi, which classroom are you taking your paper?" That small little act cld just make my heart burst, smiling. so anyway,i bumped to her just now. and unfortunately, both acting as if we dont know each other, and that's sad. we're both shy. and shit, i knew i shld have approached her this time but i just couldn't pluck up the courage. we were even wearing similar outfits. she wore grey jeans with a red cardigan, and i wore grey jeans with a black tee with red imprints. she's this fair and tall girl and extremely sweet looking. pretty pretty eyes, soft pink lips. looks i'd die for. hmm, reminds me of someone else. (: ahaa.
hi. everything has been the same old routine. weekday work, friday and saturday socialising, sunday family day and monday, just random activity. so with that, i wont be updating much, unless it's something (or day) which is important or fun to share with. like for example, a date, and uhhh, gig. heh. so other then that, i'll be updating craps, like my current thoughts and what nots. i've been addicted to some emo-rock recently. yes, emo rock. not core. no roar roars or gore gores. (: and i've been singing (my heart out) to the following song. this is A Thorn For Every Heart with song entitled, Things Aren't So Beautiful Now (part 2). (please press play, i swear it's fucking nice) A THORN FOR EVERY HEART LYRICS "Things Aren't So Beautiful Now (Part 2)" Scene begins as a telephone rings. Chokes a gasp at the awful news it brings. A phone call she's been avoiding. She knows he's reached the end. Hooked up to the respirator. It breaths life into my callused lungs. My heart beats getting fainter. I know my time has come. It's getting colder been trying to show her that I'm not the one to be there beside her now I'm crossing over can no one console her? alone she'll remain with no way to end this pain. Now I realize the things that I, the things that I've done to you Why you gave your love with all your heart. With all that a heart could give. Intentions that you'll never know the reason why I have to lead astray I gave you a life time of pain and remorse (Mistakes that were never yours) The wrong in my life can never be right. (It flashes before my eyes) [Spoken] (How did he come to this, His mind is working harder then ever before, Thousands of thoughts in seconds, His last thoughts were of her... And how he and he alone had destroyed the once vibrant spirit he had inherited so deeply. The last pain he had ever caused is to the only woman that had ever loved him..) Bright light is calling me upward. (All alone) I follow and leave you below (A ghost for now) Now you're all alone. (All alone) And I leave you with nobody by your side. (A ghost for now) Not to hurt you ever again (All alone) Never break your spirit for me. (A ghost for now) Now I'm all alone. (All alone) Still cherish the things that you have given to me. (A ghost for now) Bright light is calling me upward (All alone) I follow and leave you below (A ghost for now)
Friday, June 15, 2007
"Even if ever these thoughts are true, hand in hand, i'll walk this earth with you. Even in distance, i have you in heart. Never easy, yet harder to part. And now i miss you, as if it's your last day here. Will you let me love you without fear. You have my heart now take my soul, as desires wont make me whole. Mesmerized. Never-ending gaze to your eyes. I smiled, and realise you're everything i'll never despise. With kisses, to seal love under moonlight. Oh _____, im so much in love with you tonight.." <3 ! Oh hi there. Have you ever wondered how wide the sky is? How vast the sea is? The world is beautiful no matter from which angle you're in. The highest, the deepest. The darkest and the brightest. Whichever.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
i feel so half-dead these days. seriously. everything which uses to revolve so heavily around me is currently slowing down. even my handphone has stopped vibrating. and recently, i havent spoke with anyone for more than 10mins. even the test in the post below looks dead. this. is. not. healthy. for. me. ahh, life. just where are you. im drowning in my sleep. heh (okay im singing for this sentence). .......i miss and i need ERIS! i think 2 weeks is far too long, ahaa. and i miss everyone else. especially you.
Monday, June 11, 2007
Okay im bored. And im pretty sure you are too. That must be the reason why you're here anyway. So, to save you all, fucking complete this up!!! haha. the test is lame i know. but I AM curious you know. ![]() Create your own Friend Test here
what's the future you might say, well lets just live for today, the future's so good, it'll wait anyway. i'll shower you with love, and whatever else you want, would you come to me, and be the one? i'll shall bring you the rainbow night or day. i'll make you laugh to brighten your day. all these words i say would not go stray. cause i promise i'll be there for you, every single day. if you agree to be with me tonight, you would make my day and change my life, all these words i say would not go stray, cause i promise i'll be there for you, every single day. ahaa. hello hello. im addicted to a catchy song recently. makes me want to sing-along to the above lyrics (which i tried so hard to figure it out) heh. it makes me feel good, cheery and happy. wish i could sing and mean it to someone thou. AHAHAH. oh. everything is fine and great. a little unhappiness here and there, but i chose not to think too much. i mean, no one lives life without problems. so im glad mine is just, that.. :] its 2am, and im so cheerful right now. why? i dont know. nothing good happened really. nothing. im just feeling happy for no reason. giler? ahaa. yah probably la. love one and all.
Sunday, June 10, 2007
i dont know what to do anymore. like i said to someone recently, "im bad. and i know im bad. but that's just me and i have no plans on changing it." in time, this blog will soon be unavailable to the public. and perhaps only a selected few will be given entry. i have lots going on my mind, but its not wise to say it openly. but maybe only lah.
HELLOFUCK. Bad bad day today. Soccer in the morning. Everybody was late. Match got delayed and only 10 people frm the team turned up. And fuck, my leg got cramped so bad at one point. Almost get a hamstring as well. We lost. and i was like totally worthless the entire match. fuck, i hate to be told what to do? i know la its a match, but shldnt we have fun while we're at it? then home, shower. fuck i was bloody tired, sleepy and hungry. outs again, met khai and gang. sorry for not going to the substation gig dude. nothing much, had lunch, chat. then off to beat merchants for a gig. the only event of the day which i enjoyed. 44 was awesome. asilent was awesome. and WRECKAGE was fucking fucking great. aborted death system aaah! the screamer was like giving out their LAST FOUR CD'S during the set. and gives them to those "who deserves". and guess what, HE GAVE ONE TO ME!!! AAAAH. but i already have one. so now i have 2 wreckage cds MAHAHAHA. after that, went esp supposedly to meet up with khai again. but they left when we reach there. BAIK AH. OHH, AND I FINALLY GET TO KNOW WHOTHEFUCK ARE THOSE MAKANANS ON MY TAGGBOARD. TO THE PEOPLE INVOLVED, A BIG, FUCK YOU TO YOU. LEAST EXPECTED. FOR MY OWN GOOD? AHH BULLSHIT. ITS NEVER FUNNY TO ME. WHATTHEFUCK DO YOU GUYS GET OUT OF DOING THIS? LET ME KNOW IF YOU HAVE SOMETHING AGAINST ME. I DONT KNOW WHY AM I LIKE THIS. SO DONT ASK. But all is forgiven. ONLY if the apologies are sincere. PS: Shaz, incase you're wondering, im alright and all cool. even if you're still laughing, it dont matter. no worries, we're good okay.(: (no he's not the one who did it) Really a bad day. Ended up going home all fed-up and moody. Whateverfuck.
Saturday, June 9, 2007
had a great day today. morning, work for four hours. very very slacked. after that at one pm, rush down to the mosque for prayers. and after that rushed home to freshen up and get changed. and after that, leave the house at 330. and after that, collect pay. and after that (here's the main event), hangout with faana and gang! :D first time meeting deena and fitri as well. it was fun really. but i feel funny being the "thorn amongst the roses". hoho! and i met alot, alot and alot of people throughout the day. lets see, theres ifa, aminah, ais robot, faiz, harun, rachel, hafizah.. ahh alot! haha. oh and i was super hungry all the way. didnt had a proper meal till, 8pm? THANKS FOR EVERYTHING Faana, Mus, Sabby, Mallie, Deena and Fitri. you guys are a fun lot indeed. invite me again next time okaay? heh. see laa Aisha, tknk pergi kan! haha. went home with zaddy. i miss chatting with that dude. ahh, someday someday yeah. me, you and the coffee. :] enjoyed it all. the whole day. tomorrow, soccer in the morning, perhaps indie pop gig in the afternoon, and some deathcorefuck gig at night? its saturday night fever baybeh. im reaady, im reaady! lovelove.
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
blogging is funny. i realise if i were to put a simple "i love you" here, booom, my whole inside world will be in mayhem. for better or for worse, an aftermath of each post is unpredictable. i blog to share my thoughts. be it good, bad, sad, angry, excitement, dissapointment, love. whateverfuck. im sharing my life and you guys read on to find out what is up with rasoool. even people who hate people visit blogs now and then and without fail, leave their own mark. now that's a good thing. but no matter how much statisfaction a blog can give, it will bound to break you at the same time. perhaps in someone else's blog whom you visited (cause you care for). and in one's decent entry, it can actually make someone laugh, loved, smile, cry, frustrated, worried and etc.. a picture speaks a thousand words. but blogs proved that words speak a million. blogging is funny. now for the test, i love you.
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
HAPPY BIRTHDAY AISHAAAAAAAAAAAAA! :] bored. so here's another random post for yer. alright, ive made a shopping and a to-do list. i just gotta get new stuffs before school starts. heh. RASOOOL'S Shopping List
so school starts in august. diploma in international business. school is in the west (ya hear that?). fee is a bomb. which explains why im temporarily working now. i surely will have to blast my brains off sooner or later. the students in a gah-men poly do it in 3-4years. im doing it in 7 months. father is gonna bite my head off if i fail. choy, i wont. so, guess in 2 months time i'll be a geeky business student who plays drums for a metalcore band. haha. contradicting. wait i want a license! geeky drummer driving business man. HOHO! merepek merepek. but nobody says it will never happen right? i cant wait to start! and i cant wait to study! omg, how wierd is that.
Monday, June 4, 2007
oh hi. last weekend was the trip to johor for a wedding. it was fun staying in the hotel with all the families. crystal crown hotel yo. everyone, makciks, adiks, pakciks are all kecohrable. my family (and 2 other) got a suite room by luck cause there are no more "normal" rooms available. heh. i had fun experiencing a wedding in johor. and no, sadly i didnt get my hair colour done. no time no time. ahaa. next time inshallah. monday, work. was sneezing the whole day. potential fever. oh oh. something random, ive been called slenge by different different people quite alot these days. whatthefuck. oh and im not quite happy with the things which are happening around me lately. maybe im moody. maybe i think too much. but whatever fuck, i would ignore what i dislike. my english is worst than a sec sch student for this post. i know. so what. fuck you.
Saturday, June 2, 2007
ahh hello. a normal update. went jamming today and i got soo karat after 2 weeks of break. this weekend, heading up to malaysia for my cousin's wedding (again?!). yes again. 2nd telecast. ahaa. im gonna be fucking tired. but hooray cos im staying in a hotel! yessa! ohhh. and i want to get hair colour in malaysia! (no im not copying you faana) eh boleh eh mak, boleh eh!!! im thinking of having blue highlights with black roots. mhmmmm. haha! we'll see. tight budget. lol. im gonna work on mon tue wed and thurs next week. fuck la. its meant to be a 3-day work week seh! urgh! okay nevermind, atleast i have a potential date on friday! hahaha.faana, if you cancel this one, i'll strangle you along with your gay idols okay? (: hehho. PS: EveryRageISeek is performing in a gig called musicfest in the now defunct gashaus. 24th June. at the door tickets wld be at 13bucks. presale from bands wld be at 12 bucks, but maybe im gonna sell it for 8bucks. BUT AH, TICKET BELUM SAMPAI. okay, till further notice.
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