Monday, April 30, 2007
ZOMG!!! you guys hafta hafta check this video out! for some reasons,it entertains the shit out of me each time i play it! please press play! k watch! and my mother used to sing this to me when i was little. she still does that to my younger siblings till now. mum, i finally know what crap you're mahna-mahna-ing. so what is a mahna mahna? HAHAHAHAHA.
Saturday, April 28, 2007
hello one and all! today's therapy session was good. therapy really helps me you know. for one day i felt soo down and low, and the next thing i know, im all alive and well. thanks to the kids who made the therapy possible week after week. so yeah, found out that ITE application result wld be on the 30th of april. cant wait for that. i still hope i wld get in. and i just realise that by the end of this month, its official that ive been school-less for 5 months. another month and it wld be half-a-year. half a year. i know some people could only wish for such a long break, but believe me, you wldnt want to. I WANT TO GET OUT AND STUDY AND SHOW MYSELF IM WORTHY AGAIN! god. let me study. let me in. promise i'll do better. okay ppl go say "amin" in the taggboard go! hahaha. bye friends! (:
Friday, April 27, 2007
yo. just random, self thoughts.. (you dont have to read you know). *post editted! i find that it sounds funny. so i deleted the whole crap* _____________________________________________________________________ okay! on a brighter side of things. today's jamming day hooray! can hardly wait. hmm, wonder what shld i do in the afternoons.. sat, soccer match. and i wld want to go dxo for the gig, but it kinda crashes with the soccer. alamak pressure lah! sunday, planning to go Ubin for cycling. ANYONE? ive been missing lotsa lotsa people lately. i guess thats what you'll get for decaying at home aye? yeah. but thoughts have been making me think deep and hard. which eventually gathers great sadness. issues are stretched to almost anything i cld think of. education. career. friendship. love. anything. im not fine. goodbye.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
"if you prick us, do we not bleed, if you tickle us, do we not laugh, if you poison us, do we not die, if you wrong us, shall we not revenge?" - william shakespeare basically burned my whole day today. watch dvds and do some house chores. ITE application results are meant to be today. but i have no idea why it isnt showing yet. someone, ask me out pls.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
hey there. sunday is boring. didnt go out. yesterday was fun. the trip to courts, the soccer match and finally the trip to esp. and i saw someone whom i dearly miss. ohh man. anyway. i didnt dare you to. whythehell wld i want to do that? i'll still watch you thou. one month? hell yeah, lets see where i stand by then. haiya. once again, its your call. do it wrong and i have nothing to say. goodbye.
Saturday, April 21, 2007
![]() yeah shit. i miss that loud noise. jamming yesterday and it was awesome. ryan broke his strings. HAHA. sshaz hopped to my drums. THANKS HA. i threw a drumstick to azhar. OOPS. and zad finally completed black dahlia. WOOHOO. ive improved! i think. dish tak dish tak prak boom chiang OI! ![]() so anyway. i also miss textbooks. files. ring files. plastic files. that table where you cld put pens/pencils at the end. whiteboard. setting up the OHP or laptop. uniform. you know what i mean? soccer tmr. and esp at night. better sleep now. lovelove.
Friday, April 20, 2007
im doing good. thank you. say, do these lame posts dissapoint you? i thought so too. (:
tell me im obsessed. (: ![]() ![]()
Thursday, April 19, 2007
if you think im gonna post some emo shitnitzxz then you're wrong. i hope to see you soon. dont worry. i think im good now. (: beep okay.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
alright. you know what, i just gotta tell you something. if you plan on avoiding/forgetting me, then i think you're good, and its working out just fine. BUT, if you plan to get along and just taking your time on me, then i guess its gonna work out even better. but at this point, i think im walking slowly. its not my fault. and i dont know if its yours. catch me if you can. if you want. whatever it is, Its your call. but please, hurry.
Monday, April 16, 2007
Yo Hello! Check the all new EveryRageISeek myspace! thanks to noraina for atleast "trying" to teach me the html stuffs. and i did it! yey. click picture for link. ![]()
Sunday, April 15, 2007
YESSSSA! new ERIS logo! thanks to father! tell me what you guys think! :) ![]() ![]() ![]() woohoo! gaga!
Thursday, April 12, 2007
everything was fine. i swear everything WAS fine!!! was fine a day ago, was fine an hour ago, was fine 10MINS ago! but why. in no less than 5mins. it all crumbles again. ohh you fail me friend. what are the odds? wipe out these cruel intentions and leave! i mean no harm. no shit. and i dont intend to make you lose your head. so please, walk, quietly.. and fast. and you. guess im sensitive al'right. know? then do it right. or just shoot straight out. dont know? sorry. time's an asshole. but. for you. still. and lastly, you. please. just dont dissapoint me further. i need therapy. but seems like tmr i'll be getting a different kind. i'll try. but i bet it wont be as effective. now fuck it all.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Drop Dead Gorgeous - Knife Vs. Face : Round 1 I cant sleep tonight. Stab me direct in my heart. Watch me bleed, im dying at your feet. Dying, living for just one last breath with you. I live, for you and only you. Stop lying, you know i'd lie with you. We're dying on the inside. You're smiling on the outside. Settle the score. Knife Vs Face Round 1. Stab me direct in my heart. Watch me bleed, im dying at your feet. Dying, living for just one last breath with you. Forget the taste of me, and follow your instinct. Stab me direct in my heart. Watch me bleed, im dying at your feet. Dying, living for just one last breath with you. Fucking emo lyrics, i know. but the song gayrek lah.
hello, yet again. today's jamming is goood. came early. watched 'pakcik's' band jam. then for marrionette's jam. and finally my jam. then we head on down to esplanade. no one's there. and zad left after awhile. leaving me, sshaz and azhar in our own world, hxc dancing till we got worned out. haha! what a good workout. similar to your kickboxing or even kebaya-robics, as in, sweat it out, and working out. (: hxc dance class anyone? to you, am i liking this? what am i supposed to think? what am i supposed to feel? i need signs and answers. my assumptions became questions. dont make me look like a fool. dont make me feel like an idiot. it can be worked out. i can already see that. otherwise, just otherwise..
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
hello friends! just like my previous post, things have nvr been better. last sunday's gig was surprisingly awesome i tell you. we were soo prepared to play for a 'nobody gig' but then, first song dah kecoh. gayrek siol, gaaayrek. how i wish ryan cld've been there and play with us. met lotsa lotsa new friends. yesterday, go survey some soccer boots with zaddy. then met sshaz. then met mash. then met zaddy again. too lazy to elaborate la. (: and jamming today. hooray. its gonna be another great day. anyway, why are you ppl teasing me about my posts! if you think mine's stupid, read this -----> AZHAR. (sorry dude, im very sorry) HAHAHAHAHA! evil siol. ohh and to you, that writing you wrote on my arm, is still there. and i'll try to refreshen (as in re-write) it as soon as it's getting worn out. (: i just hope, you wont do such (bad) things with your friends. think 'straight'. well. so far im happy. and hopefully you too. i love you. all.
Saturday, April 7, 2007
ohh people. ive never felt better. thursday's punk rock jamming was surprisingly oookay. dance dance was fun seh. haha! after which, go extend passport. then head to city hall. to bugis, lavender, then back to city hall. haha! all on foot beybeh. fucking tiring. but it was fun, singing along to boybands and all. (: friday. ohh friday. every friday is always a good friday to me. but yesterday was almost best friday. ookay, what crap. i went swimming with family in the morning. saw ath! haha! lucky i havent swim yet, phew. after she left, then i go for some swim (trying la). and now, im dark. HAHA. after that, went prayers. its been awhile since i go with father. then head home. got myself changed. and out again for jamming. sorry sshaz i cant follow you to orchard earlier. went bugis with effa. the jam was goooood. the mood was good. the set up was good. gerek lah. then went esplanade. met mash again! hah. and im sorry sshaz and the wedding march guys! so sorry! aku date ngn korang niari eh. surprisingly, we then met faana, mus, mallie and afiq. miss you guys. we shld have met earlier! got more talktime. heh. ohh yah. and afiq looks 18 and i look 16. hoho. change age lah! theres alot happening on my mind. but its all good. yesterday was prolly one of the best days of the year (for me). alright heading on to gas haus this afternoon, meeting for tmr's gig! i'll see you soon !
The cure - Friday I'm In Love I don't care if monday's blue Tuesday's grey and wednesday too Thursday i don't care about you It's friday i'm in love Monday you can fall apart Tuesday wednesday break my heart Thursday doesn't even start It's friday i'm in love Saturday wait And sunday always comes too late But friday never hesitate... I don't care if monday's black Tuesday wednesday heart attack Thursday never looking back It's friday i'm in love Monday you can hold your head Tuesday wednesday stay in bed Or thursday watch the walls instead It's friday i'm in love Saturday wait And sunday always comes too late But friday never hesitate... Dressed up to the eyes It's a wonderful surprise To see your shoes and your spirits rise Throwing out your frown And just smiling at the sound And as sleek as a shriek Spinning round and round Always take a big bite It's such a gorgeous sight To see you eat in the middle of the night You can never get enough Enough of this stuff It's friday I'm in love
Friday, April 6, 2007
alright. i just realised that using mozilla firefox browser actually sucks when viewing my blog. anyone using em' please TAG, "IM USING MF." thank you.
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
thanks alot for all the encouragement my fellow friends. (gee, after reading it, it sounds soo inspiring HAHA) but sadly, it wont do me any good. papa's asking me to go private. i dont know if i wld/shld. it only means NS is up next which makes me stop thinking further. please ITE, let me in..! the only way to solve everything. alright. days have been as boring as ever. but not anymore (i hope). for starting tmr im gonna be going out all the way till sunday. tmr wld be the punk rock band fun jamming and also to go extend my passport. friday wld be family outing in the morning and then the usual E.R.I.S jamming. saturday wld be down for gas haus, meeting for sunday's gig. sunday wld be the gig itself, in which E.R.I.S is playing. (hooray) ENTER THE MOSHPIT III Gas Haus!! 6bucks at the door only!! for some reason, we're hoping to play for nobody. its the wierdest thing really. just the thought of getting up there, and let ourselfs loose. and ryan, i really really hope you'll chow frm church and come play. (: last sunday, went to the Girls Invade gig (its been awhile!) . rika was awesome i tell you. i love their music sounds soo much. aviery also gerek. my writes lagi gerek. was blown away by the band really. the drums , the cool guitars, the heavy jazzy bass and also the sweet sweet vocalist! haha. but best still belongs to my precious. woo. kepale aku ditendang siol. went esplanade after that. normal stuffs. but then i met Mash. an online friend for i dont know how long. she's nice i guess (only if you dont smell like ciggies and dont look/act drunk). honestly mash, i cldnt get that incident off frm my head (entire incident). and i dont know if its a good or bad thing. heh. so in her words, THATS ALL. k bye.
Monday, April 2, 2007
new song is uploaded. if you want to hear every rage i seek's original, its right below the new song. press play.
alas. an update to please you motha fuckas. mood; isnt soo good today. probably one of those days you feel damn restless. like one precious day given by god is wasted, by doing nothing good in particular. for the second time, i didnt get my school posting. now im really getting pissed off. and worried. and i heed to you ppl to stop making jokes out of it. please. my own life is at stake. and im beginning to feel the pinch. just where wld i go? just what wld i do? just how wld i be in a year's time? its all troubling my head. went to 2 different ITEs today. trying to get my place for a decent study. theres absolutely no promises frm them that i'll get in. got my place in the waiting list instead. wtf. and posting results wld be at the end of the month. great, just great. I DONT WANT ANOTHER 'FREE' MONTH. shldn't have quitted my job. atleast i'll earn some money you know. after that, i had a long walk to a mall. my head was blank, the day was hot. along the way, saw foreign workers working in their construction sites. my heart was giving them the deepest praise. these normal humans, working in undesireble conditions. getting treated like fucking shit dogs from their bosses and survivng on plates of prata. give them credit assholes. they make your fucking walls. then next i came across a JC couple, happy and all, joking, laughing together sipping on bubble teas. i told myself, 'look at em, they'll have such a bright future ahead.' well good luck to them. and lastly, a group of twitty ah lians wearing their school uni (secondary). i felt like approaching them, slap them one by one and give a 'lecture' on not taking sch for granted. and not to just signed a spot to work for a local jewellery shop. point is, dont throw your life away bitches. i admit. i shld have done better when im in school. and i promise i'll do better if i get in to any course which is available. i dont want to be left astray. hell, im much worthy than that. thank you. i love everyone. now go do your best.
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